Man on a Ledge movie information To be released on: January 13, 2012

Production Companies:

DiBonaventura Pictures

Summit Entertainment
Status: Post-production

Sam Worthington, Elizabeth Banks, Jamie Bell, Anthony Mackie, Ed Harris, Titus Welliver, Kyra Sedgwick
Director: Asger Leth
Screenwriter: Pablo F. Fenjves
Genre:  Thriller
About the film:

An ex-cop turned con threatens to jump to his death from a Manhattan hotel rooftop. The NYPD dispatch a female police psychologist to talk him down.

Project Timeline:
Jul. 26, 2010: Director: Asger Leth (in negotiations)
Sep. 2, 2010: Cast: Jamie Bell, Anthony Mackie (in talks)
Sep. 22, 2010: Cast: Elizabeth Banks
Nov. 1, 2010: Cast: Ed Harris, Titus Welliver
Nov. 5, 2010: Cast: Kyra Sedgwick
Apr. 29, 2011: Release Date: January 13, 2012