Senior director Jayaraj has started shooting for his new movie with Mammootty at Mumbai. Earlier titled as 'Track with Rehman', the project has undergone considerable change to be called now as 'The Train'. The Megastar will now appear as the commander of the Anti terrorist Wing. The movie is a take on the lives of a malayalee families affected by the chain bomb blasts that rocked the biggest metro on the 11th of July 2006, in railway stations and moving trains of Mumbai. The crew is currently shooting around the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Nariman Point, Navi Mumbai and Railway station at Mumbai.
Bollywood star Angela Sabarwal and Jayasuriya are also in the lead roles of this movie which will have Jagathy Sreekumar, Sheena, Abhimanyu, Sabitha Jayaraj, Anupam Kher, Balaji and Padmakumar in other important roles. Jayaraj will also introduce a new cameraman Seenu Murukkumpuzha through this movie.
Bollywood star Angela Sabarwal and Jayasuriya are also in the lead roles of this movie which will have Jagathy Sreekumar, Sheena, Abhimanyu, Sabitha Jayaraj, Anupam Kher, Balaji and Padmakumar in other important roles. Jayaraj will also introduce a new cameraman Seenu Murukkumpuzha through this movie.